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Yellow and Black Photography Quote (1).p

"My tendency towards freedom of expression is fundamental to giving life to a particular and fascinating language."

Exploration of a different reality, which goes beyond what appears on the surface, has always been a cornerstone of Surrealism, a fundamental movement of the first half of the twentieth century, of which Wolfgang Müller is a perfect exponent.

Symbiose: A view of human instinct represented by a union of man and woman portrayed as mindless and alien to each other. This serves as a statement of how little reason finds meaning in emotional and sentimental relationships and how strongly symbiotic union is a matter of the soul, that is, the inner realm that cannot be controlled by the will since it, the soul, is of a higher order, inexplicable, and irrational.

Exploration of a different reality, which goes beyond what appears on the surface, has always been a cornerstone of surrealism, a fundamental movement of the first half of the twentieth century, of which Wolfgang Müller is a perfect exponent.

Mann und Frau—figures of two parallel worlds, separated from each other, misunderstanding each other, and yet united by a magnetic force, by coincidences that produce encounters and collisions that inevitably and indissolubly bring the two into close contact.

The result is working that force, or rather induce, the viewer to pause his gaze, to investigate every single element of the painting to meditate on them, to draw the hidden meanings that very often open the door to the infinite options that in objective reality are not revealed.

"I like to live far from the noise of the big city, immersed in nature, and surrounded by the affection of my family."

Creative inspiration accompanies in an almost unconscious or stubbornly persistent way the interiority of those who have the gift of knowing how to express themselves through images, through an immediacy that belongs to those who have the ability to filter, interpret, and dream up worlds and aspects of reality otherwise unheard or overlooked in the folds of everyday life.

"My work is a perfect representative of Surrealism. It fascinates and overwhelms, but at the same time asks for and inspires a deep analysis of every element in my work."

Wolfgang Müller soon discovered his natural inclination towards pictorial manifestation, experiencing the freedom to form himself in a completely autonomous manner without feeling the need to let academic doctrine condition his style in any way.

Fundament - The foundation "home" a collection of feelings between security, belonging and safety - and love.

“My painting is a way of finding the hidden meaning in common actions and gestures that cover something deeper, something more closely linked to the essence of the characters or places depicted.”

Begrenzte Suche: The superimposition of everyday moments with contextless situations characterizes the work Limited Search, which seems to trap all the protagonists in a world limited by the rectangular geometry of the scene, where decontextualized characters move, a boat loses any freedom it once had and is created only for consumption, and a giant grasshopper comes to explore the world of humans. and a staircase that leads to nowhere.

In his canvases, he blends the ability to remain in some way linked to what is real while at the same time relating to dreams and imaginary worlds that constitute his exploration of infinite possibilities of what could be if only his imagination could survive the pragmatism of everyday life.

Stillstand - Shows a main character symbolically drinking life, and around him the outer world, a collection of houses without telling the story of the lives inside. "Stillstand" shows the man of the present, entrenched in excessive individualism, which makes him incapable of communication and leads him to digital isolation and loneliness. The walls of his house, perceived by him as a refuge, in reality became his cage.

His art is decidedly surrealist, but what emerges is not the restlessness, anxiety, or anguish of nightmares that the mind tries to conceal from reason, but the beauty and pleasure of having a different, bizarre, dreamy approach, by virtue of which everything can become more fun and more open to interpretations far removed from how they would appear at first glance.

Metamorphosis: The great journey of life, from the fat caterpillar to the gossamer butterfly.

The colors are intense, strong, and full and seem to envelop the characters or objects, which, as in a fantasy story, seem to come to life and describe a non-place where everything has a different sense from the ordinary. The shapes, on the other hand, deceive the eye, which knows that it is looking at something familiar but, at the same time, is disoriented because the references are not where one would expect to find them. They are either out of place or within a wider context, small details of an open viewpoint that correspond to and manifest Wolfgang Müller's approach to reality but also to the imagination.

Selektion: "In the beginning there was the primeval decision; it was natural." In the course of the centuries, this changed. Humans up to the present adapted the fruits of nature more and more to their needs with non-natural rhythms and cadences; methods so precise and mathematical that they could be controlled by automation.

“My artworks are visionary, an extraordinary exponent of contemporary Surrealism.”

Gefangen means tied up on the stage of life. With the change of perspective, distance from the situation is created. It is possible to evaluate what has happened more constructively and subjectively, and thus less stress unfolds. The re-evaluation occurs from negative, automatically generated emotions to a conscious focus on subjective or purposefully positive emotions.

The dimension of dreams, of vision, of the alteration of the relationship between space and time, infuse the paintings with that unreal yet incredibly strong atmosphere, intense in its meanings. Wolfgang Müller, although a self-taught artist, has been able to establish himself in the international art world by building a career of great importance.

Endlichkeit - They break the net which holds them in the Garden of Eden and which, once broken, marks the dividing line between before and after, between, on the one hand, protection - this represented by a cocoon of liquid placenta - and, on the other hand, the imperfect world outside, from this moment on in eternal evolution.

Contemporary Surrealism is characterized by a considered meditative approach, which in the pictures of this German painter is based on a world that appears to be in perpetual transformation—a world that could be but does not exist, except on the artist’s canvases. His works are available as high-quality prints.

Tellerrand - The phenomenon of time has always fascinated people. It determines our lives; sometimes we have too much time, sometimes too little. There are the unforgettable seconds that last an eternity, and whole years that are quickly over and completely forgotten. And all this despite the fact that time - that's where the edge of the plate comes in, philosophers and physicists agree - doesn't actually exist, it's just there to somehow sort out the events of our lives.

"Over the course of my development, I have been involved in many group exhibitions, including Venice, Milan, Miami Art Weeks, Ingolstadt, and Hamburg, to name a few."

Wolfgang Müller

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