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Yellow and Black Photography Quote (1).p

“Painting fills my soul with pure joy and peace, it is a kind of meditation that allows me to slow down and enjoy the day.”

The love of art has always been present in Magda and it has become an integral part of her life. Painting fills her soul with pure joy and peace, it is a kind of meditation that allows her to slow down and enjoy the day. When she paints, she immerses herself completely into this process and lets her emotions run free. She often has a dialog with herself which allows her to look at daily life from a new, different perspective and appreciate “here and now.”

Many of us hide ourselves, because we are afraid that the truth of who we are will not be acceptable to others. Being yourself means you like who you are and you respect yourself. Being yourself means that you are not afraid to live your life how you want to live it. Being yourself means enjoying life. When your life is full and vibrant you share your amazing energy with the world and the world becomes more beautiful and better.

The greatest thing in the process of creating is a feeling of unlimited freedom. The artist doesn't have to follow anyone's rules because the picture is in her and all she has to do is follow her inner voice and follow it.

Recently next to a woman appears the birds frequently in my painting. I read somewhere, that a bird comes to our mind when we reflect on a missed social connection or the complexities of life. The pandemic changed the lives of many people, including the way we love, the way we communicate with others, the way we look, the way we work, etc. Some changes are temporary but there are also some that will stay forever with us. The bird is also for me a symbol of hope, dreams, and new things to come.

What is created comes from a dialog between the idea in her head and the accompanying emotions in her heart.

“I have a very personal relationship with my paintings because they also show my own feelings.”

Using different techniques allows Magda to choose a painting tool, that mirrors the stories she wants to tell in the best possible way. Each painting is inspired by everyday life events. She observes people she met on the streets and stories come to her head to be later told on paper.

"The main topic of my art is women. Already in ancient myths and religions, women were revered as goddesses and givers of life and were considered a symbol of sensuality, sexuality, and a new life."

Magda has a very personal relationship with her paintings, because they also show her, her own feelings. As a child, she learned that she needs to decide for herself as to how she wants to perceive the world and in which colors she sees the reality around her. Red, orange, and yellow accompany her every day and have a strong influence on her daily life. This lively color represents energy, courage, power, and love, therefore they are also dominant colors on her palette.

Inspiration for this painting were the words of Winnie the Pooh: “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you know."

"My pictures show the beauty of every woman with all her imperfections and tell that every one of them can be who she wants to be."

Sometimes we feel stuck in life or we have a feeling that nothing makes sense. Through this painting I wanted to say, that life changes every day, and no matter how bad things are right now, this time next year you will be a different place.

Magda likes to focus her art on women. Every woman is born with many wonderful feminine qualities and creativity which she can/should use as a potential in the course of her life in order to achieve her dreams. Unfortunately, this potential often cannot be fully exploited, because many women feel unattractive and try to conform to patterns given to their gender by the media.

There are many boundaries in our life. There is a limit of human endurance, the limit of “good behavior” or the limit of state, but the imagination knows no bounds. The imagination is the most powerful thing, because she can carry us to new places. She is the door to new possibilities and the key to creating bigger things in life.

Today's expectations of every woman to be a perfect wife and mother and also successful in her job has led women to lose access to their inner self. Betkowska's pictures show the beauty of every woman with all her imperfections and tell that every one of them can be who she wants to be. Women have the right to be weak, vulnerable, and tender but also strong, funny, powerful, or soulful and the key to their happiness is self-acceptance. Society's expectations should not determine a woman's value and identity.

I found this description about the spiritual meaning of the color green, "Spiritually affects our ability to express unconditional love, forgiveness, and compassion." Green represents abundance, renewal, growth, and nature. It is a harmonizing, balancing, and calming color. Green is a healing color that gives healing energy to the heart.
So this is the right color for a new start. Color is a powerful communication tool and has real effects on our minds and our bodies. Through this color, we can speak more than we think. Therefore this color plays a huge role in my painting. My woman doesn't have a face because by the color I show emotions and tell the story. And because it is not a story of a “specific” person, every woman can identify with the story.

As per Magda, women shouldn’t be afraid or ashamed of living in their own way. The one perfect pattern guaranteeing happiness does not exist. Every woman has the right to choose and create her own reality.

We live in a world that adores speed. For a lot of people, it is difficult to find the balance between waiting for something, working for it, and, waiting for it to happen. We forget that the Universe/God is also waiting for the right time when we are ready to receive what we have been waiting for. Good things take time – be patient. Never forget that the trust you have in yourself will guide you to taking the best step you can at the moment you are.

"I have a desire to share my art with others and to prove that it is never too late to make a dream come true."

What we choose to believe about the world and ourselves determines the quality of life we have. Therefore our thoughts play a huge role in how successful we are in everything we do. Osho said, "Your mind is a garden; your thoughts are the seeds. The harvest will bring either flowers or weeds."

Magda was born in Poland and studied at the Institute of Art Education of the Silesian University. In 2018, she completed her course in the field of Art Therapy in Germany and it helped her with getting back to painting after almost 12 years of break and to “rediscover” herself as an artist. Since 2011, she has been living in Switzerland and although she is currently working in a completely different area, she has a desire to share her art with others and to prove that it is never too late to make a dream come true.

Everybody lost somebody in their life. This picture shows the joy of having this person in our lives (a clown symbolizes humor), grief at the departure of this person, and also hope that someday in this or another life, we will meet this person again (waiting for a person on a high chair. From the heights, we can see better if someone is coming.

Every picture therefore conveys the message that every person is special/unique and has a talent. It also encourages the viewers to discover their hidden talents regardless of age.

This is one of my first pictures and it has a special meaning for me. Sometimes it is not important to create a perfect picture (the right proportion, etc. but what is more important is to be proud of your hands. We can create many things but often the fear of imperfection keeps us from doing/making it. We lose the opportunity to discover our hidden talents.

“The greatest thing in the process of creating is the feeling of unlimited freedom.”

Magda Betkowska


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