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“I am amazed and inspired by the centuries-old wisdom in the definition of nature and the animal world.”

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Since childhood, I have had a special interest and sympathy for all animals. Along with this, I did not let go of the pencils and all the free space that surrounded me was painted in the animalistic genre. After graduating from art school and having learned many interesting techniques, I have been looking for myself and my creative path for a long time. In my creative pursuits, I decided to return to the beginning, realizing for myself that what my heart responds to the most is still two simple things. Thus, the passion for the whole animal world and the craving for drawing, weaved into one whole, forming the main vector on my creative path.
I am amazed and inspired by the centuries-old wisdom in the definition of nature and the animal world. In ancient times, people endowed animals with human and mystical qualities. They deified and elevated them to the rank of sacred beings. Today, these concepts are practically erased and passed through many rethinks, and due to human activity and interference in wildlife habitats, animals are rapidly becoming extinct all over the world.
In my concept when writing pictures, I adhere to the idea that humanity and wildlife are not two different worlds, but interconnected, two intertwining destinies on one planet. And it is very important to maintain and maintain this delicate balance. I portray animals with which I feel a spiritual response. And of particular importance in my work are rare species of animals that are on the verge of extinction, both in certain regions and throughout the world as a whole. Through my painting, I strive to show all their singularity and exclusivity.
The fundamental point in the works is the transfer in a hyper realistic manner of the image of rare animals, by superimposing many thin lines with a sword brush on the canvas, which, through a variety of shades and layers, convey all the splendor of the animals that inhabit our planet.

Katsiaryna Parukava


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